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水墨画(Ink painting and Dominic’s music)

Forum TOP>About Music>水墨画(Ink painting and Dominic’s music)

  • このトピックには1件の返信、1人の参加者があり、最後にMinakoにより11 Months、 3 Weeks Beforeに更新されました。
  • No.893
    違反報告(Against Rules)


    I feel that Dominic Miller’s music has something in common with the Japanese mindscape.
    His music seems to understand 「Wabi, Sabi」 or ink painting.
    For example, his music feels like looking at Sesshu’s garden. His music describes the kind of universe that exists within Sesshu’s garden.
    And that universe is the various quiet emotions that people have, which are very much actually powerful within.
    This is especially true from his recent work.

  • 1 返信
    Minako (keymaster)
    違反報告(Against Rules)




    ドミニクの「Silent Light」は音楽の中にある空間のコンセプトを強く打ち出したものですが、これは彼はメキシコの映画監督カルロス・レイダガスの映画にある「沈黙の空間」に影響されたものです。しかし、その結果、今のドミニクの音楽は非常に日本の美学に近いものになったのが面白いな、と思っている部分です。



    > To Kosada.
    Thank you very much for your comment, which suddenly strikes at the heart of Dominic’s music!
    Actually, when I went to see Dominic in Germany in May, what I wrote in the letter I gave him was exactly the same thing as your comment.
    When I listened to Dominic’s comments in video below, I first learnt that Dominic himself realises that the Japanese take his music quite seriously. But I really understood why Japanese people are serious about listening to Dom’s music.The reason for this is exactly what you have just commented on.

    I think a lot of Dominic’s current music is quite in line with the Japanese Zen philosophy-based view of all kinds of art. It’s the so-called ‘beauty of the margins’, the ‘beauty of the lack’, and the very ‘Wabi, Sabi’ part.
    Dominic’s ‘Silent Light’ was influenced by the film ‘Silent Light’ by Mexican film director Carlos Reidagas, which strongly expresses the concept of space in music.However, part of what I find interesting is that Dominic’s music is now very close to the Japanese aesthetic as a result.

    That is why I wrote this in my letter to Dominic;
    ”Your hope that by leaving more space in the music, I want to leave more room for the listener to imagine, and in that space I want to create two-way communication between performer and listener is the same reason why Japanese painters leave a lot of blank space in their paintings.” I explained this to him with some documents.

    And then, Dom replied to me, “I read all the material you sent me and it is all very interesting. I love Japanese art and aesthetics especially with the concept of space. Very inspiring.”
    So Dominic knows that “the Japanese feel that my music is similar to their view of art”

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