>Black catさん
そしてこれは新しいドミニクのSong Bookに使われているものなんですが、その時私はこの写真は初めて見たので、
その後も1日くらい心臓ドキドキしてました(笑)It’s a really cool photo! The profile photo at the bottom of the interview is also terribly cool.
If the photos are small, you may not feel much, but if you look at the larger photos, you will be intensely attracted to Dominic once again because of his coolness.
I was sent these for this interview by Dominic’s manager, and they were quite large.
And these are the ones used in the new Dominic songbook. But at the time I had never seen these pictures, so when I saw them I screamed in amazement at how cool they were… I really thought my heart was going to stop…
My heart was pounding for about a day afterwards [lol].>Black catさん
【DM: 私が作曲するインスピレーションを与えてくれるのは、必ずしも音楽とは限りません。その音楽以外のインスピレーションとは、より多くの人生の経験です。出会った人々、読んだ本、見た展覧会、食べたものなど様々です。次のアルバムの音楽は、これらすべての影響から生まれたものになるでしょう。】そういう事なんだと思います。
I think that episode is really interesting.
After all, a generative AI can only derive the best solution from past information. But when a human being creates something, that person’s life experience is the foundation, and an AI cannot understand the joys and pains of life. So I still believe that AI and others can never really surpass the art that humans create.
That’s why Dominic also says in this interview.
【DM: What inspires me to write music isn’t necessarily music. It’s more life experiences. The people I meet, books I read, exhibitions I see, food I eat etc. The music on the next album will come from all these influences.】I think that’s what it’s all about.
>Black catさん
It already feels unbelievable that Dominic will be here in a little over a week. I’m really nervous!
I’ll probably be both enthralled and stunned and excited!I feel sure he’ll be playing something from his new songbook.
ほう、”Dominic Miller” で検索すると確かにこのサイトが5番目くらいに出てきますね。
でも、日本語で「ドミニク・ミラー」だとまだ5番目にはならないですね。頑張ります。Thank you. Well, yes, this site may have 30 years’ worth of ‘love’ in it. Maybe a bit heavy (lol).
As you say, I see that this site is now about fifth in a search for “Dominic Miller”.
Amazing! When did that happen? It’s quite hard for personal websites to get to the top of Google searches nowadays.
But if you search for ‘Dominic Miller’ in Japanese, it still doesn’t come up fifth. I’ll do my best.>>kyotozodiacさん!
ドム、マヌ、ピノのトリオは「The Tweeters」という名前がありました。
あとは、スティングの曲では「 Bring On The Night 」もライブでやる事も昔は多かったです。
So you haven’t heard Dominic play in quite a while!
There are some musical differences between Dom and Sting, but you can look forward to it!
The live performance of ‘Truco’ is so cool that it will give you goose bumps!
The trio of Dom, Manu and Pino was called The Tweeters.Also live, Dom used to do the Sting’s song ‘Bring On The Night’.
It’s cool too. I don’t know if they’ll play it this time, but I’d like to hear it again too.>>ちよすけさん!
It’s wonderful to go to a concert for the first time in a long time and it’s Dominic’s concert! You will be impressed by the quality of Dom’s sound when you actually hear him at the venue. I hope you’re looking forward to it! I’ll be waiting for you at the venue!ドミニクが3月23日と24日にスペインのカナリア諸島でのライブを終え、写真をアップしてくれました。
Dominic has just finished performing in the Canary Islands, Spain, on 23 and 24 March, and has uploaded some photos.
Speaking of which, do you know why Dominic started wearing a monotone jacket during concerts? In the past, he used to dress more loosely at concerts, didn’t he?The fact that he now wears a monotone jacket is a nod to the way orchestra members dress. In other words, it is Dominic’s way of formal dress as a musician playing instrumental music.
Today,Dominic starts with gigs in the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
ドミニクが新しく出した「Song Classics for Solo Guitar」についての記事をメインファンサイトに投稿しました。
このソングブックについてはドミニクがRick Beatoとのインタビューで話していたので、話している内容についても紹介しています。An article about Dominic’s new ‘Song Classics for Solo Guitar’ has been posted on the main fan site.
Dominic talked about this songbook in a video interview from Rick Beato so I have also included he talked about.Attachments:
実は、私が5月にドイツにドミニクに会いに行った時、彼に渡した手紙に書いた内容が正にこさださんの言われている内容です。 私は下にある動画のドミニクのコメントを聞いて、まずドミニク自身が日本人が自分の音楽をかなり真剣に聞いてくれる事を実感としているんだ、という事を知りました。でも、私は何故日本人はそうやって真剣にあなたの音楽に耳を傾けようとするのか、という理由がすごく理解できました。それがこさださんが言われている事です。ドミニクの特に今の音楽は、日本の禅宗をベースにしたあらゆる芸術観にかなり合致するものが多いと思っています。
いわゆる「余白の美」とか「欠落の美」とか、正に「侘び、さび」の部分です。ドミニクの「Silent Light」は音楽の中にある空間のコンセプトを強く打ち出したものですが、これは彼はメキシコの映画監督カルロス・レイダガスの映画にある「沈黙の空間」に影響されたものです。しかし、その結果、今のドミニクの音楽は非常に日本の美学に近いものになったのが面白いな、と思っている部分です。
> To Kosada.
Thank you very much for your comment, which suddenly strikes at the heart of Dominic’s music!
Actually, when I went to see Dominic in Germany in May, what I wrote in the letter I gave him was exactly the same thing as your comment.
When I listened to Dominic’s comments in video below, I first learnt that Dominic himself realises that the Japanese take his music quite seriously. But I really understood why Japanese people are serious about listening to Dom’s music.The reason for this is exactly what you have just commented on.I think a lot of Dominic’s current music is quite in line with the Japanese Zen philosophy-based view of all kinds of art. It’s the so-called ‘beauty of the margins’, the ‘beauty of the lack’, and the very ‘Wabi, Sabi’ part.
Dominic’s ‘Silent Light’ was influenced by the film ‘Silent Light’ by Mexican film director Carlos Reidagas, which strongly expresses the concept of space in music.However, part of what I find interesting is that Dominic’s music is now very close to the Japanese aesthetic as a result.That is why I wrote this in my letter to Dominic;
”Your hope that by leaving more space in the music, I want to leave more room for the listener to imagine, and in that space I want to create two-way communication between performer and listener is the same reason why Japanese painters leave a lot of blank space in their paintings.” I explained this to him with some documents.And then, Dom replied to me, “I read all the material you sent me and it is all very interesting. I love Japanese art and aesthetics especially with the concept of space. Very inspiring.”
So Dominic knows that “the Japanese feel that my music is similar to their view of art”昨日22日からドミニクの「Vagabond」ツアーが始まっています!
そしてもう1ヶ月しないうちに日本にドミニクがやってきます!楽しみです!Dominic’s ‘Vagabond’ tour started yesterday 22nd!
The first day is in a place called San Cristóbal de la Laguna on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands, Spain. It’s not on the Spanish mainland but further down, on the left side of the African continent, on a resort island.As Dominic says, it’s a really beautiful venue. He will now be playing concerts every day. I wish him good luck! And in less than another month, Dominic will be coming to Japan! I’m looking forward to it!
もうドムが来るまであと1ヶ月ですよ!なんかもうドキドキしてきました。。。>Absinthe ,ExcitingPurgatory,Rush hour
そして、今回の『Vagabond』では「Clandestin」,「 Lone Waltz」が大好きです。そして「Mi Viejo」に関してはここまでドミニクが感情を強く込めた演奏をするのは珍しい事もあり、短い曲ですがドムの亡きお父さんへの愛が伝わってきて胸が熱くなります。
あとは「Truco」はドミニクのタッピングが最高だし、「November」, 「Gut Feeling」,「 Ripped Nylon」上げたらきりがない・・・。Hello.
You are coming to Kobe! I’ll be waiting for you at the venue.
It’s already one month until Dom comes! My heart is already starting pounding.>Absinthe ,ExcitingPurgatory,Rush hour
I love these songs too.
And I love ‘Clandestin’ and ‘Lone Waltz’ in this ‘Vagabond’. And as for ‘Mi Viejo’, it’s rare that Dominic plays with such strong emotion, and although it’s a short song, I can feel Dom’s love for his late father, and it makes my heart beat faster.
Dominic’s tapping on ‘Truco’ is superb, as are ‘November’, ‘Gut Feeling’ and ‘Ripped Nylon’…There is no limit.あと、このPVでは29歳のドミニクが動き回っています!かっこいいねー。ヴォーカルばっかり映さないでドミニクをもっと写して欲しかった(笑)
「King Swamp」は英・Virginから出たバンドなんですけど、「売れることが必須条件」だったみたいですね。しかし、ファースト・アルバムはビルボードのロックチャートで21位くらいまで入ったけど、2nd.アルバムはチャートに入ることができず、ドミニクはそこで脱退しました。Also, in this PV, 29-year-old Dominic is moving around! That’s so cool! I wanted more shots of Dominic than the vocals (lol) He wore this costume when he played with Sting.
‘King Swamp’ was a band from the UK/Virgin label, and it seems that ‘selling was a prerequisite’.But the first album made it to about number 21 on the Billboard rock charts, but the second. album failed to chart and Dominic left there.この写真ですが、日本のGuitar Magazineのサイトの画像です。今週の頭に、今週誕生日を迎えるギタリストの名前が書いてありまして、このようにちゃんと3月21日のところに「ドミニク・ミラー」と書いてあります。それは大変ありがたい。
しかしドミニクを説明するのに今更「King Swamp」ですか?今の日本でこんな説明しても誰もわからないんじゃないかな?とちょっと心配になりました・・・。人によっては「あれ?Stingの横でギターを弾いているドミニク・ミラーとは別のドミニク・ミラーってギタリストがいるのかな?」って思いそう・・・。
This picture, this is an image from the Japanese Guitar Magazine website. At the beginning of this week, the name of the guitarist whose birthday is this week was listed. And it properly says “Dominic Miller” on 21 March like this. This is very appreciating.
But to explain Dominic by the name “King Swamp” now? I’m a bit worried because I think no one in Japan would understand this kind of explanation nowadays… Some people might misinterpret this as “Oh? Apart from the guitarist playing next to Sting, is there another guitarist called Dominic Miller?”